RIB's 2024 Industrial League


  Shooting starts on Weds-April 24 and run   thru Weds-July 24.  No shooting July 3rd.


Banquet will be on Weds-July 24.


We are planning a bigger and better Industrial League for 2024!   We will have 2 ranges set with 3D and 2 ranges with paper targets to change this up and make it super challenging!  We all know how fun it is to shoot at 3D targets.  RIB is committed to offering these as a great alternative to an all-paper league.


AGAIN THIS YEAR  is an All-Traditional Division.  If not enough Teams enter, then it will be shot as Individuals.  You will be shooting the same ranges as the rest of the Industrial League, but from the Traditional stakes.  Spread the word to all your friends in the Traditional world!  


We are offering a Novelty Shoot each week.  Every time you complete that novelty shoot successfully, your name will be entered in a drawing for great prizes at the end of the League! 


Make sure to tell your friends to sign up – let us know as soon as possible to get in on the Industrial League fun!


The league consists of 12 weeks of outdoor shooting rotating on four different ranges.  Each team consists of three, four or five members, age 18 or above (16 if accompanied by an Adult) (see rules).   Teams can be Male, Female or Coed.  Please download Rules & Registration form, below, for more information.


We are offering morning shooting from 7:30am – 11:00am.  Afternoon shooting begins at 3:30pm and cards must be turned in by 8:00pm.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact RIB at ribarchery@gmail.com or Rebecca Hartman at   rdahlke92@gmail.com  or at  262-994-4184 (call or text).


We hope you can join us for another year of fun and camaraderie with fellow archers.

Check the website often for updates!


Registration is due by April 12, 2024.  Any registration received after that will incur a $10 late fee per shooter. 


Registration Form 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [223.0 KB]
Industrial Lg Rules 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [659.5 KB]